Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What Eph Means For 2 Diet Pills

Now is the perfect time to take the first steps to lose some excess weight. When you are around your family and friends do you think about your weight and size a lot. Excess weight is sometimes like alcohol or money problems in breaking up a relationship.

Your doctor will advise you of the many risks to your health that are caused by excess weight gain which could mean that you would never live to watch your children graduate or get to walk your daughter down the aisle. If you have had to undergo heart surgery you already had that "aha" moment. Many others have not ... yet.

Ephedra diet pills are weight loss supplements that have been a source of controversy over potential side effects. Also known as Ephedrine-57 this supplement is one of the most effective for weight loss. Ephedra contains two natural herbal components, Ephedrine and Hoodia which work together to bring about the many benefits of weight loss.

Ephedra diet pills help to encourage metabolism while increasing energy and burning fat. The active ingredient in Ephedra is P57 and this lets the brain know that the body is not in need of food. P57 also suppresses the appetite at a rate that is stronger than the natural body response. It is claimed that those wanting to get rid of excess stomach fat, love handles, etc. will be more responsible in their eating habits without trying as hard to accomplish it. The urges to snack and cravings are all decreased. The fat burning elements will then work even faster and make it easier to shed weight.

Ephedra is one of the few diet pill supplements that will work without more strenuous physical activity. If you live a sedentary lifestyle and do not regularly exercise, this may be the best choice for you when it comes to losing weight.

Ma Huang is another name you hear in conversations about ephedra. This plant is used to extract the natural ingredients that make up the alkaloid ephedrine. THE FDA has been sending out warnings since the early 1990's for those taking Ephedra diet pills to do so with caution and to take them only under the close supervision of a doctor. It is never wise to consume any type of diet pill in excess. Always read the instructions carefully.

One of the newer ephedra based dietary supplements is called Firestarter. The stated benefits are to increase the metabolic rate, promote the burning of stored body fat, slow the absorption of serotonin, which helps in weight management by controlling food craving and suppressing the appetite, and inhibit the absorption of dietary fats by acting as a lipase inhibitor.

In simpler terms it should tone and tighten the body by burning off excess fat cells, plus you get an added boost to help push through your exercise regimen. The formula has a time-release technology that keeps your body in fat burning mode for hours and hours, without the heavy crash that is typical as the pills wear off.

This product has 30 mg of ephedra in it which some say it not enough to be effective, but others say that they get the jitters if it is to powerful.

Another fat burner on the market, made by Bio Laboratories, has 50mg of ephedra. This one is called Diablos ECA Fire. The ECA designates what is called a "stack". The formula combines Ephedra, Caffeine, and Aspirin to control and suppress appetite, which allows you to control your calorie intake easier.

These diet supplements with ephedra may be just the added jumpstart you need while you change bad eating habits and replace them with healthier choices.

As a general rule the formula for long term weight loss and fitness is to eat small nutritious meals, combined with a good regular exercise program.

When you don't have the balance of nutrients your body needs, you stay hungry which usually leads to overeating. You need extra energy for digestion, which is why you feel drowsy or fatigued after eating meals with low nutritional value. Your diet affects your overall fitness which is another factor that determines how much energy you have through the day. Fitter people use energy more efficiently, and so have more left to get them through the afternoon and evening. It may sound counter intuitive, but the more you exercise, the more energy you'll have. Why? Because muscle provide more energy than fat, which keeps you invigorated longer.

It's often hard to find the time to eat right and workout, which is why some need a supplement to keep going. With the right combination of diet, exercise, and supplements can truly succeed and be their own biggest loser. So keep on fighting for that healthy body.

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