Monday, November 30, 2009

Rank For Competitve Keywords in Google Organic Search Results with Videos

As more and more businesses and websites find their way online, search engine rankings have become the new Wall Street jungle. High placement on major keywords can be gold to businesses as the traffic they generate can mean millions.

For many websites the power larger websites hold with more resources and more money can be overwhelming. You have a weapon to get to the top of Google rankings for competitive keywords. The answer is videos and especially Youtube.

Youtube was bought my Google and shows up exceptionally high in Google organic rankings. Do a test. I bet you that for just about every major keyword there is a video showing up on the front page. If there isn't one than this is an opportunity I would jump on as if you don't someone else will?

Since, I have know sold you on the power of videos the following are three steps you can do to make high quality videos that will get you to the top of Google natural search rankings.

3 Tips to Making Videos for Search Engines and the Viewer


Your video has to be interesting at some level. It won't do you any good to get it ranked if no one wants to watch your video. Figure out a way to make your video entertaining, demonstrate a helpful solution, or be funny. If you create a funny video that makes people want to send it to their friends it won't matter if you are an accounting firm since hundreds of thousands of people could potentially see it.

You only have to be interesting for 2-3 minutes. Any past 3 minutes and you will start to lose your audience's attention. If you have more to say or think you are that funny cut the video up into segments and now you have more videos to post.


Take the time to do right. If you are nervous the first time you shoot; start over. Watch your video back for mumbling or parts that are hard to hear. Remember that this video will represent your brand you want to make it of quality.

Quality doesn't mean you have to hire a film crew. You know the difference between representing yourself well and something you are not proud of. Remember getting traffic is only half the battle.

Also, be honest with yourself. If you are little dry find someone who can articulate your points clearly and with energy. Think about the types of people that engage you and use those people as your spokesperson in your video.

Titles How you title your video is the most important. It won't matter how great it is if no one sees it. Your title has two purposes. First, it must be keyword driven. Keywords are what search engines are picking it and those keywords are the terms you want your video to rank for.

Keyword stuffing it won't work. Think about creating a new video for each keyword phrase that you want to rank for.

The second aspect is you have to capture the attention of the person to want to watch your video. Look at newspaper headlines as they are a prime example of how grab your attention.

Authority SEO is an organic seo consultant for your Phoenix Internet Marketing needs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Benefits of Online Personal Trainer

Having an online personal trainer is fast becoming the preferred way to hire a personal trainer. LIVE was designed to offer everything that a person can get at a gym, online. An online personal trainer allows more flexibility with our busy and every changing lifestyles.

Online personal training allows for fitness to be performed on your time while still receiving the professional support and instruction that allows for successful weight loss and fitness performance.

Affordable Price

LIVE offers their online personal trainer programs for less than a gym membership. For only $9.95 you can have your own personal trainer. With the Live Lean program you can interact daily with your own personal trainer for less than one hour with a trainer. The best part, is that all LIVE plans include a dietician as well. You actually get a personal trainer and a dietician at this great value.

Workout from Anywhere

LIVE's online fitness plans can be performed anywhere. They are designed with manual equipment for you to workout at home or take your workouts to the gym. Also, because the workouts are online you can access them when traveling and still get your workout in. The exercises could even be performed in a hotel room!

Descriptive Instruction

People need to know how to do the exercises. Every exercise includes 3-5 photos of a real person performing the exercise, comprehensive description, and real person video with audio. No computer graphics, real people showing you how to perform every exercise. The best part is that the exercises can be downloaded to an IPOD or PDA and be taken with you.

Targeted heart rate training allows for every workout to burn optimal amounts of fat and calories. Never train and work hard with no results. With a specific heart rate zone each workout has a specific goal which challenges your metabolism to improve in the most effective way possible.

Personal Support

The most overlooked aspect of success results is support. Even Tiger Woods, the best golfer in the world, has a coach. So often having a professional coach is too expensive for most people. With online personal training you can have the support necessary to achieve your results at a price you can afford. No one is successful on their own.

When looking for an online personal trainer, important to find a program that offers a complete health, strength, cardio, and nutrition plan. A synergistic blend of the proper health aspects maximizes your ability to achieve your results in the fastest way possible.

Live Lean Today offers fitness programs, Scifit products, and more with the highest quality and service.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heart Rate Training Optimizes Your 5k Training Program

Are you looking for a 5k training program? When you start looking you see many program offering beginner programs and advanced programs. What is interesting is that most beginner programs are too many miles for the average beginner. The key to effective 5k cardio plans is for every person to have their own heart rate profile. With optimal heart rate training every workout will be optimized for the greatest impact for your results. Heart rate training is for advanced and beginners; the difference is the heart rate profile not using a heart rate monitor.

The most effective cardio workout for running faster races and burning fat is interval training. Interval training is short durations of high intensity followed by short durations of low intensity and then repeated. Most programs only offer interval training for advanced programs though effective programming is good for all levels. The key is a person's heart rate profile. The most advanced you are the higher heart rate you want to train at for your interval.

Each person has a different level of fitness associated by their heart rate. As you run the energy required needs a certain consistent heart rate produce the energy. The more fit you are the lower your heart rate is for a given speed. This is why heart rate training is so effective. By finding a person's targeted heart rate profile you can make sure each workout is training in the right zone to optimally improve your performance. Often, people's lack of results comes from not training hard enough, or very common with cardio runners is overtraining by running with too high of a heart rate on every workout.

What is important for your metabolism and race speed is the rate at which you burn calories not how many calories you burn. This is why walkers and people who run mile after mile seem to never achieve their results. The more calories you burn the more calories you need to eat to restore energy back to your muscles cells. It is challenging your muscles to burn more energy by going harder relative to your fitness level forces your metabolism to improve and than makes you fun faster and burn more fat. People after completing an interval workout burn more fat 24 hours after their workout than any other form of cardio or strength exercise.

Though the interval workout is important it isn't the only workout that makes an effective 5k running program. Two other key workouts is a threshold workout and a long day. The threshold workout is a medium intensity workout that almost no person does. The reason why is people can always go harder and there is this myth that you have to push yourself in every work to your max. The other reason is people go on their slow steady pace never picking up the pace for a shorter run. An optimal threshold workout is between 15-30 min. If you can last longer than 30 min. you should run faster. When you run at your threshold level you are at the max at what your aerobic metabolism can burn for energy. When you go harder your anaerobic metabolism is kicked in to produce the needed extra energy. A threshold workout trains your body to burn energy the most effectively utilizing oxygen. It is the best workout for creating a good race pace.

The long day is the last workout you need every week in your 5k training program. Having running session that go for slower speeds and longer durations trains your body to burn fat and increases effectiveness of burning energy while running. You only need to do one long day a week and spending hours doing cardio during every workout may be a key reason why you are no longer seeing results.

To truly see your results you want a program that creates a personal heart rate profile. The charts on most treadmills are not accurate and the doctors who came up with the charts admit they made them up as a best guess for insurance companies and were never supposed to use as training heart rates. The other major key as you continue to run is a 5k program that uses specific and multiple threshold and interval workouts. The workout that worked for the first month won't work for the second as your body needs a new stimulus. With proper heart rate profiles you will be running your first or fastest 5k in no time.

Find personal trainer fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to Determine the Value of Your Gold Coins

Gold has been mankind's most desirable asset for more than 3,000 years. It freely circulated as everyday money - except during times of great economic turmoil - from the time of the Ancient Greeks and Romans right up to 1933. Until that year, the value of the great majority of gold coins was the same as their face value. That meant a $20 gold coin could be freely exchanged for 20 one-dollar bills. And 20 one-dollar bills could be exchanged for one $20 gold coin. It was a two-way system that promoted a stable value for our money.

That era ended in 1933. As part of his effort to re-inflate our economy from the depths of the depression, President Roosevelt recalled all circulating gold coins. He had his Treasury Department melt them and send the newly formed ingots to Fort Knox for storage. Then Roosevelt revalued gold, in a series of steps, from its pre-1933 value of $20 to $35 per ounce.

The Market for Gold Coins Changes

Literally overnight, a $20 gold coin contained more than $20 worth of gold. Owners of the limited number of coins that survived the federal recall order, primarily collectors and overseas banks, wondered how to determine the value of their gold coins. Were they only worth their gold value, or would the government's efforts turn once-common issues into scarce and rare dates?

Today we know the answer to that question. The government's massive melting of our circulating $1, $2.50, $5, $10, and $20 gold coins created hundreds of rarities out of coins with original mintage that suggest easy availability. Here's one example: the Philadelphia Mint struck 2.9 million $20 gold coins in 1931, one of the higher mintage of the 1907-1933 series. Based strictly on its original mintage, the 1931-P should be easily available and not too expensive. Thanks to the government's melting, all 1931-P $20 gold coins are rare and extremely valuable.

Gold Coin Values Today

Speed forward to 2009. All U.S. gold coins minted before 1933 are worth FAR more than their face value, and many are worth FAR more than their bullion (metallic) value. That's true because the number of collectors of U.S. gold coins of the pre-1933 era has expanded tremendously. At the same time, the available supply of these coins has remained relatively unchanged. Because rare coin market values are set by the interaction of supply and demand, the long-term value of pre-1933 U.S. gold coins has shown a distinctly rising trend.

So how can you determine the value of your pre-1933 U.S. gold coins?

We live in an age of tremendous availability of information. Early in the last century, collectors and investors were content to determine their gold coins' value by following (and interpreting) auction results. In the late 1940s, publishers began offering a once per year guide book that listed values for every U.S. coin. Then monthly publications were introduced, providing ads and estimated market values. Then weekly coin newspapers, filled with articles, auction results, and market commentaries, were established. Today we have all of these sources, plus the information on the Internet.

All of these sources, when you know how to use and interpret them, are extremely valuable. All of these sources can help you determine the value of each gold coin you own. But none is perfect. Each has its own quirks and its own idiosyncrasies.

The single best way to determine the retail or wholesale value of your pre-1933 U.S. gold coins is to have your trusted adviser perform a professional review, this will provide your most dependable estimate of value.

Determine the Value of Bullion Gold Coins

Bullion gold coins, like American Eagles and Canadian Maple Leafs, are struck by governments for sale to investors through a network of distributors and wholesalers. They are minted in unlimited numbers, so scarcity is not a factor in determining their value. That means the value of gold bullion coins can be easily determined with reasonable accuracy on any day.

To determine the value of your gold bullion coins, you need to know their pure gold weight and the spot (or cash) value of gold. Determining a gold coin's weight is usually simple: the coin's design should state them. If it does not, contact your coin dealer.

Once you know your bullion gold coin's pure gold content, it's time to identify the market value for an ounce of gold. For today's value, contact your broker. Your broker provides up to the minute bid and ask prices for spot gold, as well as spot silver, platinum, and palladium.

Now you know the weight of your coin and the value of an ounce of pure gold. To learn your coin's pure gold value, simply multiply the two numbers. For example: you want to know the value of a half-ounce American Eagle gold bullion coin. You know the pure gold content (one half ounce) because it is stated on the coin. You locate gold's current market value, and find it is $950 per ounce. Multiplying one-half (your coin's pure gold contents) times $950 (gold's current market value) yields a gold value of $475 for your coin. Market premiums, distribution charges, and dealer commissions will vary and will affect your coin's value, so be sure to consider them when determining your coin's value.

American Eagles, the world's most popular gold bullion coins, are guaranteed for their content and purity by the United States government. Their value is primarily determined by the price of gold, which fluctuates throughout the day.

Contact ITM Trading Senior Analyst for how to buy Gold coins or more information on buying Gold for Investment.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Why Choose Celtic Wedding Gowns?

Nothing can boost your idea of entering into your matrimony the more 'royal' way than a 'Medieval Wedding.' If you are lucky enough to arrange a wedding in a castle or with a royal-cum-fairytale concept, Celtic Wedding Gowns should be your ideal choice to accent this theme.

Why Choose Celtic Wedding Gowns?


Apart from their sheer elegance, Celtic dresses carry with them, the essence of medieval romance and can really make you feel like a princess in a fairyland. Celtic Wedding Gowns can be a romantically beautiful way of celebrating your most cherished moments.


In case of Celtic wedding gowns, you have a very wide selection of styles to choose from. Your choices can range from minimalistic 'A-line' cuts in expensive fabrics to rounded 'ball gowns' with elaborate braids, brocade, and stone work in heavier fabrics. You can have a flamboyant detachable train, leaving you with the option to use the gown as an evening party dress later on. Other option could be to have a fuller, naturally flowing dress. The characteristic dress material used for such gowns is velvet, cotton, silk, satin, or brocade. Some Celtic designs also come with an option of an overdress, often in tulle, chiffon, or other lighter material, which greatly enhance the luxuriant style of the attire.

The unorthodox

If you are going in for a Celtic dress, you are at a liberty to do away the conventional 'whites' and add colors to your wedding. These Renaissance outfits offer you much greater choice of available colors than any other form of wedding attire. Not only this, you can choose a formal, semi-formal, or even an informal style for your Celtic wedding dress. These attractive and unique opportunities to experiment make these Celtic Wedding Gowns much sought-after these days.

Money matters

These unconventional options have an added benefit of being kind on your purse in an 'unconventional' way. If your choice is to go for informal wear or colored versions of the formal gowns, you can choose your fabric economically. Since, such materials are not of the 'specialized' variety, there can be a saving and bargain over the price. In addition, you will have a larger number of vendors to explore. The accessories, similarly, are not required to be of niche kind, and you can consider your purchase from non-specialty stores.

The grandeur of a royal wedding dress is any girl's dream and nothing can be more comforting than the fact that they are just at an arm's distance away. So, what are you waiting for? Extend your arm and reach out!

Bridal Online Store offers discount prices on wedding dresses and check out the new Wedding 101.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What Eph Means For 2 Diet Pills

Now is the perfect time to take the first steps to lose some excess weight. When you are around your family and friends do you think about your weight and size a lot. Excess weight is sometimes like alcohol or money problems in breaking up a relationship.

Your doctor will advise you of the many risks to your health that are caused by excess weight gain which could mean that you would never live to watch your children graduate or get to walk your daughter down the aisle. If you have had to undergo heart surgery you already had that "aha" moment. Many others have not ... yet.

Ephedra diet pills are weight loss supplements that have been a source of controversy over potential side effects. Also known as Ephedrine-57 this supplement is one of the most effective for weight loss. Ephedra contains two natural herbal components, Ephedrine and Hoodia which work together to bring about the many benefits of weight loss.

Ephedra diet pills help to encourage metabolism while increasing energy and burning fat. The active ingredient in Ephedra is P57 and this lets the brain know that the body is not in need of food. P57 also suppresses the appetite at a rate that is stronger than the natural body response. It is claimed that those wanting to get rid of excess stomach fat, love handles, etc. will be more responsible in their eating habits without trying as hard to accomplish it. The urges to snack and cravings are all decreased. The fat burning elements will then work even faster and make it easier to shed weight.

Ephedra is one of the few diet pill supplements that will work without more strenuous physical activity. If you live a sedentary lifestyle and do not regularly exercise, this may be the best choice for you when it comes to losing weight.

Ma Huang is another name you hear in conversations about ephedra. This plant is used to extract the natural ingredients that make up the alkaloid ephedrine. THE FDA has been sending out warnings since the early 1990's for those taking Ephedra diet pills to do so with caution and to take them only under the close supervision of a doctor. It is never wise to consume any type of diet pill in excess. Always read the instructions carefully.

One of the newer ephedra based dietary supplements is called Firestarter. The stated benefits are to increase the metabolic rate, promote the burning of stored body fat, slow the absorption of serotonin, which helps in weight management by controlling food craving and suppressing the appetite, and inhibit the absorption of dietary fats by acting as a lipase inhibitor.

In simpler terms it should tone and tighten the body by burning off excess fat cells, plus you get an added boost to help push through your exercise regimen. The formula has a time-release technology that keeps your body in fat burning mode for hours and hours, without the heavy crash that is typical as the pills wear off.

This product has 30 mg of ephedra in it which some say it not enough to be effective, but others say that they get the jitters if it is to powerful.

Another fat burner on the market, made by Bio Laboratories, has 50mg of ephedra. This one is called Diablos ECA Fire. The ECA designates what is called a "stack". The formula combines Ephedra, Caffeine, and Aspirin to control and suppress appetite, which allows you to control your calorie intake easier.

These diet supplements with ephedra may be just the added jumpstart you need while you change bad eating habits and replace them with healthier choices.

As a general rule the formula for long term weight loss and fitness is to eat small nutritious meals, combined with a good regular exercise program.

When you don't have the balance of nutrients your body needs, you stay hungry which usually leads to overeating. You need extra energy for digestion, which is why you feel drowsy or fatigued after eating meals with low nutritional value. Your diet affects your overall fitness which is another factor that determines how much energy you have through the day. Fitter people use energy more efficiently, and so have more left to get them through the afternoon and evening. It may sound counter intuitive, but the more you exercise, the more energy you'll have. Why? Because muscle provide more energy than fat, which keeps you invigorated longer.

It's often hard to find the time to eat right and workout, which is why some need a supplement to keep going. With the right combination of diet, exercise, and supplements can truly succeed and be their own biggest loser. So keep on fighting for that healthy body.

Search for World Class Nutritio Supplements at

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Would it be okay to go to a tanning salon when having stretch marks?

For this the answer is a very simple 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe'. We may not sound firm, but that is because the exercise of 'erasing' the stretch marks by tanning is a total trial and error choice. So if you have the intent of visiting a tanning salon with the question 'is it okay to go in with stretch marks?', our answer too remains vaguely firm on the intent, but a very firm 'no' on the ultimate outcome. To site our conviction, let us state that neither lying in the hot sun or in a covered tanning salon will help in covering the scars, and let us not be mistaken about stretch marks not being scars.

Let us be clear that the stretch mark will be less prone to catching the tan, whether from the open sunlight or from a monitored UV Ray exposure. The end result would be that your overall skin would become a shade darker, with the possibility that the stretch marks would even stand out further. The alternate is that the stretch marks would grab some of the tan, not as much as the normal skin, so technically we would be back to square one on the end objective. Sometimes, the marks do get a tanned blend but for a limited time, and when the skin does away with the tan, the stretch marks are not able to shrug-off the tan, and hence appear even darker.

But why are we posing the question 'would it be okay to go to a tanning salon having stretch marks?' presuming that a woman would want to go only with the sole intent of covering them with a balanced tan. If the stretch marks are an embarrassment and need to be 'disguised', then by all means use a self-tanning lotion or spray, or you could visit a 'spray tan' salon where the tan is air-brushed by a trained professional for a more even coverage. This can give you the summery tanned look, but only temporarily. However, the procedure is quite safe, and workable. A woman with stretch marks can visit a tanning salon with the intention of obtaining a glowing tan in the visible areas of the body, and exercise some precaution of covering the scarred area with a towel. After all, when you visit a tanning salon with stretch marks, the idea and purpose is for the benefit of coming out with a glowing look, minus any complication in the hidden areas.

Save On Tans offers discount tanning prices at Scottsdale Tanning Salons

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pick a Beach Wedding Dress

You have decided to have a gorgeous wedding on the beach. Beach wedding dresses are usually made of lighter material. The more casual bridal gown still delivers images of class and style. Most often women looking for a beach wedding gown make sure that the hemline doesn't got all the way to the sand. Beach wedding dresses are not just for the skinny brides. Bigger brides can look just as beautiful in their beach wedding dress.

The key in picking your beach wedding gown is to pick a dress that matches your figure. It is important for everyone to look their best on their special day. Finding a dress that compliments your specific body type and figure is the key to looking gorgeous. A good plus size dress should flatten your curves instead of making them look bigger. Handling your curves is the key to plus size beach wedding gowns.

Look for a dress that fits well and doesn't dig into your skin. The high quality beach wedding gowns should be soft to the touch, with no itchiness. Beach wedding gowns should be made of breathable materials to keep your dress soaking up sweat. The breathable materials will keep your gown staying white all day long. This will keep your dress flowing and beautiful through the ceremony and reception.

A-line dresses make for the best plus size gowns. A full skirt dress should be avoided. Always look for a dress that will flatter your figure.

A high quality beach wedding dress is formed with lightweight, flowing materials. Stay away from heavy or cumbersome gowns. Popular materials are linen, silk, lace, gauze, rayon, or light cotton.

Sarongs are now becoming the rage for beach weddings. Wear a one piece, for a strapless mini gown style, or use as a skirt with matching halter top. Search online for the best prices for bridal dress shops.

The top styles for beach wedding dress are strapless or spaghetti strap gowns. It is typically hotter for beach weddings and this important to take into account when picking your dress. Remember to always pick a dress the matches your figure. Lacy sleeves are a great option for people who have larger arms.

Beach weddings are starting to become exceptionally popular. You now can have a high end and stylish wedding dress for your beach wedding. Search online for the latest styles to match your figure.

Find the latest styles of wedding dresses and beach wedding dresses at Bridal Online Store.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What Happens When You Get Too Little Protein in Your Diet

Proteins are composed of long chain like forms of amino acids. Amino acids are basic and fundamental to life. As a chemical compound, it is made of amine and carbonyl functional groups. To put it simply, they are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and on some rare occasions, sulfur. These four or five materials build themselves into various chain-like structures and form different types of protein. Protein is the life line of human health.

Human cells, muscle tissue, and the organs of the body are made up of protein. Long chains of amino acids are structured to make different types of proteins. There are 22 types of amino acids and the human body needs all of them to be healthy.

Different types of proteins in our body execute different body functions. Our body's strength, its flexibility and elasticity are taken care of by a protein called collagen, and our hair and skin are composed of the same protein.

Proteins we consume through food are broken down into amino acids in the process of digestion and absorbed by the body only to be rebuilt into different types of proteins that are the requirement of the body. There are twenty two kinds of amino acids essential for the human body. And in that 14 are produced by the body and the remaining 8 are to be obtained though food.

Complete and incomplete Proteins

A protein that can be obtained through one food source like a meat or dairy product is called a complete protein. A complete protein is obtained generally though meat, diary products, eggs, fish and poultry. Vegetables, fruits and nuts do not contain all the essential proteins in one food items and so it is termed as incomplete.

Importance of Proteins

For proper growth, sustenance and repair of body cells, for the health of muscles, tissues, organs and for body function like metabolism, digestion, transportation of nutrients and oxygen through blood circulation, proteins are imperative.

Apart from that more importantly for the production of antibodies, or in other words, antibodies are little soldiers who fight any infection that invades into our body and fights diseases and makes us healthy. The healthy skin and shining hair of which we are proud of is due to the proteins.

Too little Protein means ill health

Like our grand mothers say often, 'anything too much or too little is harmful' is absolute truth in case of protein. Too much protein intake leads to many uncomfortable physical complications just as too little of protein intake can lead to complications.

Protein is needed to repair and create new cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes and muscles and lack of protein would impair these important body functions leading to grave situations. Many foods which supply protein do contain certain other minerals and vitamins like iron, a lack of which creates an eternal tiredness and fatigue. The person who lacks iron feels weak and becomes listless with lack of energy.

Physical activities consume protein daily, and so it is essential to give regular supply of protein to the body daily. And too little protein can cause severe skin ailments and would make you look lusterless and pale.

Children need a lot of protein as they are in the phase of growing and insufficient protein in children hampers their growth very much.

For a period of time if the body fails to get sufficient amount of protein through food, it starts breaking the muscles which contain large amount of protein to fulfill its need. This means eroding of the muscle and it is generally known as muscle wasting. And prolonged such situation leads to a vicious cycle of protein energy malnutrition where in when the body does not get any other source of energy, body's muscles and organs a re broken down for energy. The digestive system suffers with the loss of cell lining which is important for absorption of nutrients from the digested food. Thus a vicious cycle of poor diet and insufficient absorption of nutrients from food lead to severe body wasting.

So, too little protein intake is dangerous and very harmful to health. offers low prices on protein bars, low carb protein, and more.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How Do I Know If My Product is Organic

What is organic food? The term is becoming more popular. In the United States for a product to claim that it is 100% organic is has to produced following legally regulated guidelines and be subject to strict testing. Typically to because of the detail involve to get the ultra healthy organic food it costs more than the fertilizer and pesticide rich alternatives.

The term organic means that the food was produced without the use of conventional pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or sewage, and that no artificial additives to included in the process. When the term organic relates to animals like beef, the animals are free of antibiotics and growth hormones given typically to make the animals bigger.

In the beginning the only place to get organic food was from your local farmers market. Not any more. Now, family run farms are being over taken by commercial operations that produce still 100% organic food faster and meet the new demand for the products. The United States has grown by 17-20% in organic food sales in the last few years. You can now get organic products from online retailers to Wal-Mart.

In the United States, companies have to pass tough testing and regulations to call their products organic. The term certified organic means that the USDA has certified that the product in question is actually 100% organic. A farmer commercial or family run must apply for their certification. Not all organic food is certified. Food products can be organic and just not have gone through the approval process to be certified.

With the every increasing demand for organic products, more and more products are finding their way into becoming organic. Now, coffee, ice cream, and ketchup can all be found with organic labels and ingredients. There is now an overwhelming change from the overly processed foods that line our grocery stores to more all natural products.

The term all natural is not govern, so the only way to know a product is organic is to get it from a trusted source or grown it yourself. The ladder probably isn't going to happen for most of us. All natural products are not necessarily bad. They are just not going through the certification process to be considered 100% organic.

Looks for the organic label from your trusted places you buy your products. You will have to make the decision on the products that might be 70% or 35% organic. For some products that is as good as it gets for the time being. With the demand high more and more products will start becoming organic. They have to.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on organic baby clothes, organic protein bars, and more.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to get a good tan?

Many people love to get their skin tanned but because of the side effects of tanning and lack of knowledge they fail to decide how to get a good tan. There is no doubt that a good tan makes the person look sexy and smart and in addition to it also imparts a thinner as well as healthier look to the person. Though there is no such thing as "safe tan" but people still go for it for one reason or another. It is very essential to follow the right rules and guidelines when you opt for tanning the skin.

Tanning can be done through exposure to the sun or through the use of tanning beds. If you want to get tan through the exposure to sun rays then you should follow some steps which will help you to get a good tan. One of the first things to be done is to exfoliate the skin with the help of a loofah and exfoliating wash. This will help to get rid of the dead skin and the new and fresh skin underneath will retain the tan in a better way. Then you should use a sun tan lotion which has SPF of around 8 or 10. Make sure that the sun tan lotion has a moisturizer in it. Macadamia nut oil or Aloe Vera is a good option as they keep the skin moist as well as prevent the sun burns.

The tanning through the sun will show best results if you choose that area which has maximum sunlight and where you are comfortable enough. The best place for tan is the beach. Do rotate your body and change the position so that the rays of the sun reach out to all the areas of the skin. Initially, you can go in for 15 to 20 minutes of sun exposure and then 30 minutes after that. Washing the body with a good moisturizing soap after sitting in the sun rays will give you a good tan. Also use a good moisturizer to retain the tan for a longer period of time.

Sometimes because of the weather fluctuations it is very difficult to get a good tan from the sun. Therefore, people go in for tanning through the tanning beds. One of another reason for people going in for this technique of tanning is that the sun rays are very harmful and they have very harmful effect on the skin. In order to get a good tan and flaunt the tanned body in summer you should follow the following guidelines while using the tanning beds.

The first thing you need to do in this regard is to build a base tan and follow the tanning sessions in the tanning beds regularly. You may require about 6 to 8 sittings in the tanning beds however the number of sittings depends upon the skin tone. In order to enhance the effect of tanning you should go in for a tan accelerator which is specially designed for tanning through the tanning beds. This will also help to build as well as maintain the base. Do exfoliate the skin before sitting in the tanning bed this help you to achieve good tan.

After the tanning sessions go in for moisturizing the skin but avoid a moisturizer with a mineral oil as this will prevent you from getting a good tan. After the formation of base tan go in for tanning session 2 or 3 times per week. Switching between the low and high intensity bed is a good option. Even right diet can result in a good tan. Therefore, eat foodstuff rich in beta carotene and include foods like carrot, tomatoes, radish, and broccoli etc in your diet. This will enhance the tanned effect and give the sun kissed glow to your skin. Also take care of your skin while tanning and never let it dry and you really need to take extra care of your face Another thing which will result in good tan is the right clothes. Wear minimum and comfortable clothes while getting your body tanned. Remember that only those areas will get tanned which will receive light. You can even go nude in a tanning bed as tanning in these beds is carried out in a private area.

Just follow the above rules and suggestions and you will surely get a good tan.

Save On Tans offers discount tanning salon prices at Scottsdale tanning salons and more.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Anabolic Steroid Facts - Understand the Risks

If you want to make a career in the fields like bodybuilding or sports then you need to stay ready to face immense amount of contests or challenges.

For achieving new heights in these fields you require to be prefect and it is the main reason why there are large numbers of people who use different techniques in order to achieve the sure success. In order to get rid of such problems and to have a fit body, most of the people prefer to go for artificial supplements to enhance their physical and mental strength. Thus by this way they try to give the best shape to their body. Among several ways the most common way adopted by most of the people is to go for anabolic steroids.

Usage of anabolic steroids is quite popular and most of the sportsmen from all over the world use them. But is it right to take anabolic steroids? Or even the most important question do they know the harm of taking them? Well the answer is because most of the sportsmen and athletes do not have sufficient knowledge regarding anabolic steroid facts. This article is meant for such people only and the motive of writing it is to disclose some of the significant anabolic steroid facts to all those who are not aware of them.

Believe it or not! But it is true that to increase the growth and muscle activity the natural method is quite easy and far away from undesired consequences. To attain fruitful results without much hard work and within a short period of time people go for anabolic steroids. Here, in addition to anabolic steroid facts, we will try to understand what function they actually perform in the body. What are the merits (if there) and demerits associated with it.

It is true that if a person is not highly conscious regarding his health or not willing to make a career in modeling, bodybuilding or sports then he or she is not much concerned to know about the anabolic steroid facts. But if you gain a little knowledge about the anabolic steroid facts then you are not going to do any kind of harm to the body. Instead, if you understand what is not good for your body then you can keep a distance from it. Obviously, it is your own body and you should know the way to take a proper care of it.

The major constituent that is present in the anabolic steroids is testosterone. It is one of the major hormones present inside the male human body. This hormone affects the body in two ways- first; it will have an androgenic influence on the body. And second, it can have an anabolic impact on the body. This is one of the anabolic steroid facts which can have a direct relation with the physiological conditions of the body. It provides the necessary support for the building of body tissue, leaning muscle mass on the entire body and to increase the density of bones.

Above mentioned are the anabolic steroid facts associated with the anabolic reactions in the body. When it comes to the androgenic actions of anabolic steroid then it will have a direct affect on the secondary sex characteristics in a man.

Recent researches have clearly revealed some of the important anabolic steroid facts that are directly in relation with testosterone. The dose of testosterone taken in anabolic steroids will not have an indirect but a direct impact on the muscles. They tend to increase the cross-sectional area of the muscle fibers. They stimulate the release of growth hormone inside the body. Due to anti-catabolic nature it can directly contribute to the growth and development of the overall body.

In past, many tragic consequences are associated with the use of anabolic steroids. This is the reason why, due to illegal nature not much data and facts are available to confirm their action on body. offers great value on prohormones, hgh supplements, and more.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is Organic Coffee and how is it Grown

Organic is a new word used in the context of coffee, tea, cocoa and other food materials in recent times around local shops and super markets. Every year the word is being used by buying public more than the previous year and its use is growing year after year resulting in higher sale proportion of tea or coffee marked as 100% organically grown.

What is organically grown?

To simply put it, organic farming methods leave least or no harmful impact on the surrounding environment. Organic agricultural production systems are mostly traditional methods evolved through learning from nature. In the organic farming methods no synthetic chemical fertilizer or pesticide is used. So that organic production means natural, pure and healthy.

How coffee grows in nature

The coffee plant does not need much direct sun light and so it grows under the shade of large trees. The ground is never sprayed with any chemical insecticide or fertilizer and so the ground water remains pure and uncontaminated. From the canopy of trees leaves fall steadily and the ground is covered by fallen leaves layer on layer. The layers of fallen leaves work as a blanket and protect the moisture of the ground. The moisture in turn help the process of compost to turn the bottom layers of leaves into natural manure to nourish the land.

The thick foliage of shade trees over the coffee bushes house many varieties of birds and also attracts the migratory birds. The birds live on small insects and pests. So they work as natural pest controllers and keep the coffee plants healthy.

The coffee that grows in the shade of other local trees become original and pure in taste and flavor Organic Coffee.

The proposed plantation site is selected carefully. And if the site was being used to grow some other crop using chemical fertilizer or chemical insecticides, then a minimum period of three years are given as conversion years for the proposed site to get over the effects of the harmful chemicals.

After the conversion years coffee bushes are planted along with local shade trees. Care is given equally to the coffee bushes and shade trees and effort is put in to leave bird population to grow undisturbed.

The fallen leaves are left undisturbed to convert into manure to nourish the land and keep it fertile. The bird population effectively controls the pests and harmful insect and protects the coffee bushes. And finally for decaffeinating, approved processes are employed including the Swiss Water process. The coffee thus produced is organic coffee.

Organic vs. commercial production

Organic production methods along with producing coffee intend to protect environment. In this process of growing coffee, more and more trees are grown due to that local biodiversity is achieved. In this method, soil fertility and nutrients are sustained. No chemical pollution is created to harm the human health.

In contrast in commercial profit oriented method of growing coffee, the trees are felled and the cumulative effect is deforestation. Deforestation leads to soil erosion and severe depletion. The commercial grower cuts trees to allow direct sun light which increases production. As there are no birds to control pests and due to the absence of trees and its natural manure, farmers are forced to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides severely harming the environment.

Organic coffee - lifeline of future

Organic production process is eco friendly and helps to repair the environment spoilt by the greedy profit oriented approach of commercial growers of coffee through growing more and more shade trees.

Protecting environment locally helps to enhance the eco system. Rejuvenation and eco system alone can help the planet from disaster and help to sustain life on this planet.

Organic coffee is our responsibility, almost a human duty and life line to healthy future of mankind. offers low prices on organic coffee, organic baby clothes, and more.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lower Stress While Driving

Have you ever noticed how stressed you get behind the wheel of a car. We get upset when the person in front of us is driving to slow, traffic is backed up, a car cuts us off, or wishing the kids in the back would settle down. As we know stress causes many of the health problems we face today. Just think how a reduction in your stress while driving will make you healthier, especially when you think how many times we drive everyday.

bmwIf you live in an area similar to my parents in South Dakota you may be thinking to yourself what stress while driving. This article is for the rest of the world that has to deal with traffic, road construction, and more learner permit drivers than we know what to do with. The average person spends 1.5 hours a day behind the wheel of a car. Since we are not going to being spending this time exercising we can learn to lower our stress and improve our health while we drive.

The first secret to lower your stress while driving is to identify what cause you stress while behind the wheel. Most people have some daily event that causes their stress levels to rise. For some it is when they are stuck in traffic, getting cut off, changing lanes, or bad weather. These stresses are usually caused by fear that you may not be aware of. For instance when you hit gridlock in traffic is it really the traffic that upsets you or the fact that you are going to be late. You may find though you get upset at the traffic that it is really an underlining issue that causes your stress. The more you understand what causes you stress behind the wheel the better you can make a better choice to distress while driving.

I used to train a psychiatrist who talked about that one of the most common syptoms she would treat was road anxiety. She helped these people by having them eat a candy bar on their way home from work when they were the most stressed. What she didn’t know was that the reason people are so irritable on the way home from work comes a lack of proper eating habits. You body wants 5 small meals a day when it doesn’t get it your body finds unhealthy ways to get energy. In the case of our rush hour drivers, because they typically eat 3 meals or less, they have low blood sugar while driving home which causes them to be quickly go to anxiety and rage. You will find as your blood sugar is stable from eating throughout the day, your stress levels reduce substantially.

Tips for Better Stress Free Driving

1. Start your trip earlier: It will always take longer than you think to get some where, especially if you live in a big city. Most people’s stress rises because they didn’t give themselves enough time reach their destination if things don’t go perfectly. If you start early than you won’t be as bothered when traffic situations happen.

2. Relax while driving: Use the time while driving to unwind and reflect about your day. If you have a lengthy commute home spend the time being alone with yourself instead of racing to get home as fast as you can to only have plenty of stuff do once you get their. You have an opportunity to take a few minutes out of the rat race while you drive home.

3. Be courteous: We all hate it when someone cuts us off though I can’t throw the first stone from never cutting people off myself. A person once told me that how would you feel if that person was rushing a dying person to the hospital and that if they make it on time the person would survive. Every time I see a person driving dangerously I wish them well and hope that their need to drive fast has benefit for them. This works the same during accidents which if you live in Phoenix is an everyday occurrence. What calms me down is I truly hope the people are ok. Though I don’t like traffic slowing down, I don’t people hurt either. I find I lose my anger when I think of the poor people who are having it worse than my delay home. offers the latest diet ephedrine pill and nitric oxide supplement at discount prices.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How to Lose Weight with Eating Fast Food

Gone are the days when fast food meant fat-filled food. As we, the consumers, have become more health conscious, fast food chains have responded by adding healthier alternatives to their menus. So you can add fast foods to your diet without necessarily running the risk of putting on lots of weight. If you don't feel like cooking sometimes or just don't have the time and need something quickly, you can go to a fast food restaurant without feeling guilty.

The movie "Super Size Me" might have put some people right off going to places like McDonalds. For those of you who aren't familiar with the movie, the guy in it ate nothing but three McDonalds' combo meals a day. This is about three times as many calories as the average person requires each day. Now, that's definitely overdoing it!

But you can eat fast food and still restrict your calorie intake. Even if you choose one of the less healthy burgers, you can keep the calories down by skipping the fries or drinking water instead of soda. Mayo in sandwiches is another big calorie adder that you can probably survive without.

While eating fast food on a daily basis is still not a good idea, it can be incorporated into a healthy eating plan. LIVE's Nutritional Plan can show you ways that you can add fast food to your diet and still increase your metabolism. The key to maintaining a good metabolism is to eat five small meals a day.

Below is a list of some of the fast food chains and a few of the more healthy choices they offer.


1. Grilled Chicken Classic Sandwich (no mayo)
2. Plain Hamburger
3. Bacon Ranch Salad with Grilled Chicken
4. Side salad instead of fries


1. Jr. Hamburger (no mayo)
2. Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich (no mayo)
3. Plain baked potato with a small plain chili on top
4. Fresh fruit bowl
5. Low fat strawberry yogurt


1. Honey BBQ Snacker Sandwich
2. Honey BBQ Sandwich
3. Chicken breast without skin or breading
4. Sides of green beans, seasoned rice, or corn on the cob

Burger King

1. Chicken Whopper Sandwich (no mayo)
2. BK Veggie Burger (no mayo)
3. Fire Grilled Chicken Garden Salad

Baja Fresh

1. Baja Style Tacos: Charbroiled Chicken or Shrimp
2. Baja Ensalada: Charbroiled Chicken or Shrimp


1. 6" Ham
2. 6" Oven Roasted Chicken Breast
3. 6" Roast Beef
4. 6" Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki
5. 6" Turkey Breast
6. 6" Veggie Delight

As you can see, there are lots of healthy fast food choices. Just take some time to look at the menu next time you go in and see exactly what's in each option. offers discount prices on ephedra diet pills, ephedra free thermogenics, and more.