Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Causes and Risk Factors of Developing Joint Disorders

Joint disorders can occur because of a variety of different risk factors and causes. One of the most common joint disorders is temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ? TMJ disorders are a group of different problems that are related to the jaw bone and joint. There are a lot of people who develop TMJ disorders and problems because of the constant use of the muscles and joints in the TMJ area of the face.

Causes and risk factors that are common in developing joint disorders such as TMJ include constant and habitual teeth grinding. This can include the clenching of the teeth which wears down the cartilage of the TMJ . A lot of people do not even know that they do this, and often people do this in their sleep. People who may be suffering from joint disorders and primarily TMJ disorders often complain for pain and dysfunction in the muscles used in the TMJ. Dysfunction of these muscles can present itself as a limitation of the movement of the jaw that can range from minor range of motion issues to severe range of motion issues. In some of the milder cases of TMJ disorders, hearing clicking noises is one of the major symptoms.

Other causes and risk factors that can increase the chance of developing joint disorders include: Modification of the surfaces of the teeth through either neglect of dental practices or some kind of accidental use, Speech habits that are innate or learned and result in thrusting the jaw, Excessive use of gum chewing or nail biting, Excessive jaw movements that are associated with different kinds of exercise, Repetitive unconscious jaw movements that is associated with brushing, The size of different foods that are eaten.

There is no doubt that the TMJ area is one of the most heavily used joints in the body, and while there are a lot of other joint disorders like arthritis, TMJ continues to be one of the most known kinds of joint disorders. Arthritis is a very common joint disorder that causes people who suffer from it a lot of discomfort and pain. While the causes and risk factors that lead to different types of arthritis are not completely known, some people are more prone to develop it than others. Some people, who develop various forms of arthritis, do so as they get older from constant use and strain of the joints in parts of their bodies. Repetitive motions are a big trigger for joint disorders, and people who perform a repetitive motion which constantly strains one particular joint can develop joint disorders and arthritis.

Some people experience differing degrees of joint disorders and arthritis and some develop it earlier in life that others. There can be hereditary factors that can cause a person to be more prone to developing arthritis and joint disorders and some forms of arthritis are more prone to family traits than others. Often people who are athletes, or who put a lot of stress on their joints develop some level of a joint disorder or arthritis in their lives.

People who suffer from joint disorders like TMJ often are those who have excessive grinding of their teeth and who overuse the muscles and tendons surrounding the TMJ joints that lead to joint disorders. Joint disorders are often found in joints in the body that get the most use or that have the most stress on them. Knees, hips, wrists and fingers are among the most common joints to cause problems for people and are often the site of a repetitive action that has occurred for many years. People may start to experience slight symptoms of joint disorders early on in life, and they often assume it will simply go away, but then can later develop further problems.

Joint disorders tend to affect the elderly more often due to prolonged stress but people are able to experience joint disorders at any age, and those who constantly put a lot of strain on a particular area of the body are more prone to developing arthritis and other joint disorders later on in life. Testing is often done to diagnose joint disorders in people of all ages to determine what may have caused the joint disorders to develop.

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