Thursday, December 4, 2008

Success With Weights

Weight training is for everybody, not just athletes, body builder or competitive lifters. Using weights regularly helps to develop strong bones and build lean muscle mass. Increased lean muscle mass raises the metabolism and helps you burn fat and lose weight more efficiently. However, as with every exercise, you need to know what you're doing. This is especially true when you lift weights for body building. Here's some top tips for success with lifting weights. Be realistic

If you've drunk a six-pack too many and ended up with a beer gut, you're not going to turn it into a six-pack overnight or even in a few weeks. If, sisters, your abs have been turned to jelly by three pregnancies, you're not going to get a perfectly flat stomach in a few months. Remember the old saying about eating an elephant a bite at a time? Remember that every small gain is a success that you should take pride in.

Use good scales

The old-fashioned bathroom scales just won't do, as this can't distinguish fat from muscle. You need something that can measure body fat, as this is what you want to eliminate while increasing your muscle mass.


Get the right balance of carbs, vitamins, minerals and proteins. Especially the proteins. You will need the proteins to build muscle bulk ' they aren't made from nothing! However, don't exclusively eat the proteins (you'll have problems with your kidneys and constipation if you do). Carbs, fibre and good fats are necessary too. You may also need a multivitamin nutritional supplement.

Push yourself

Your muscles will not get any bigger if they always have the same load to lift every time. You will need to increase in some way to stimulate your muscles into growing bigger. Increase reps, increase sets, increase the weights or slow down your movements to make them harder.

Eat and drink at the right time

You will need to consume some protein before and after your workout, along with a fast acting carbohydrate for instant energy. Drink plenty of water (or a sports drink) because you will lose a lot of body fluid via sweat during a workout. Protein shakes are great for post-workout meals (snacks?) and are easy to prepare and carry with you to the gym, as are protein bars. Have a look at the A-Z Nutrition range of protein supplements, all at low, low prices.


Your body will need time to actually build your new muscles. To avoid injury and overtraining, take a step back every four to six weeks, doing only a half workout for a week. Also, taking one day off in seven works well to prevent strains and injuries. Avoid stress ' the stress hormones prevent muscle building.

Aerobic exercise

This boosts bloodflow and stamina, so you will be able to lift more and for longer. Change. Don't do the same workout for months and months. Give yourself a bit of variety to work your muscles in new ways. Having said that, it's also important not to change too often. Change if you're not seeing any results for weeks on end.

Body clocks

Morning people will work out best first thing in the morning. Night owls will do better working out at the end of the day. Work with your body, not against it. Sleep. When you sleep, your body rebuilds itself ' this is the whole biological purpose of sleep. Lack of sleep lowers your metabolism.

Supplementstogo offers great deals on fat burners, prohormones, and more.

Understand Your Metabolism and Unlock Your Weight Loss Results

Have you ever seen an ad for the next latest and greatest weight loss program or diet pill, only to see in fine print that this person also ate a balanced diet and did regular exercise? The other common complaint all the time is "I workout hard everyday and I don't lose a pound." Does this sound like you? The key to achieving health weight loss and keeping it off for a lifetime is understanding your metabolism.

When you think about weight loss you want to think in terms of a diet fitness program. The problem many people do is they only focus on one aspect which leaves them always falling short of their goals.

What is metabolism any way?

Your metabolism doesn't have to be confusing. Let's break your metabolism down in to two aspects. First, is your body's ability to break down food that you eat and convert it into energy or store it. You can store fat in your fat cells though you do store carbohydrates in your muscle cells to be used as energy later. The second is the rate at which your body produces energy, or do you have a fast or slow metabolism? The other key part to your metabolism is what you are burning for energy.

Your metabolism wants small amounts of food at regular intervals throughout the day. Typically every 2-3 hours is a good time to eat. This isn't eating the average American meal 5 times a day, more cutting your meal in half and eating that amount throughout the day. When we go longer than 3 hours between meals are body starts to store the food we do eat as fat, and can burn away muscle tissue for energy instead of using your food. When you eat 5 small meals a day you train your body to use fat as your main fuel source. A proper metabolism burns 70% fat as its main source of energy all day long. Just think while you are working sitting at your chair you are burning fat.

It is through exercise that we raise our metabolism up. The amount of calories we burn is not as important as the rate at which we burn calories. If burning 3500 calories worked than all the walkers at the gym would be the thinnest people. You typically see runners much thinner than walkers and that is because running burns calories at a greater rate and raises up your metabolism. You burn more calories by raising up your metabolism the entire day than you can in any workout.

Cardio interval training is considered one of the best ways of raising up your metabolism. Interval training is short burst of high intensity follow by short durations of low intensity and then repeated. People after doing an interval workout burn more fat as a source of energy for the entire day after than any other form of cardio. You only want to do one interval workout per week as over doing it creates over training and a drop in results.

Combining exercise and eating 5 small meals and you will unlock your weight loss potential. This not only the fastest ways to lose weight these habits work for the rest of your life to have more energy and keep the fat off your body.

Find personal trainer the fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What is Ecdysterone?

So what are your goals? For some it is improving their athletic performance, burn away those love handles, build lean muscle tissue, and for others improving their overall health. We know that it does take working out to achieve our results though we want some help to make our results go faster.

You have probably heard about sport supplements like prohormones, creatine, protein powders, and vitamins. Each one of these products plays a vital role in improving an aspect of your health, fitness, or performance in some capacity. Especially, with all the attention from Congress and Major League Baseball, you have heard about steroids, and the negative side effects associated with them.

If you though you knew what supplements can do than you don't know anything now.

Ecdysterone is an exceptionally potent compound that has been researched and studied in clinical trials for some time. The best part of ecdysterone is that through all the research there hasn't been one negative side effect found. That is right zero negative side effects. Ecdysterone is rapidly becoming the supplement of choice for health enthusiast, fitness competitors, and bodybuilders.

What is Ecdysterone?

The technical name for ecdysterone is 20-hydroxyecdysterone with common names of ecdisten, ecdysone, isoinokosterone, and ecdysterone. It was first discovered with insects who require it for survival as part of their own growth hormone.

Ecdysterone doesn't come from insects; it comes from the herbs rhaponticum/ leuzeae and cyanotis vaga which are all natural. The biggest issue until now for ecdysterone is that their was no way to extract it into a usable and viable form. Now, with the latest in extraction technology, Scifit has found a way to extract it at a 97% standardization. This exceptionally high potency makes it possible now to get the health and muscle mass benefits for ecdysterone in a supplement.

There has been over 50 research studies on the effects of ecdysterone. Ecdysterone in clinical trials has been shown to improve almost every physiological function with producing any negative side effects. Within 10 days people have achieve muscle mass gains of 6-7%. That is right just 10 days. Not only that, subjects lower their body fat in those same ten days. Ecdysterone has become the perfect fat loss and muscle mass building supplement on the market.

SciFit's Ecdysterone 300 is the only ecdysterone supplement to be in an useable form. Ecdysterone has been demonstrated to increase muscle tissue by 6-7% in just 10 days.

Shop Live Lean Today offers the best prices and service on Bodybuilding Supplements, Superdrol NG, and more.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Do You have Symptoms of Fatigue, Shortness of Breath, or a Rapid Heart Beat?

Let me know if this sounds like you? You experience frequent bouts of quick onset of sweating, a sudden rapid heart rate, or all of a sudden a shortness of breath. You may think that you are having a heart attack, though the real cause may be something you didn't expect.

If this sounds like you do you skip breakfast often? Thus once you skip breakfast your day goes by with off on bouts of fatigue and sluggishness that you fix with either trips to Starbucks or the vending machine. Quickly after eating the high sugar of gourmet coffees or snacks in vending machines you feel better though it doesn't last and a few hours later you are crashing again.

What is happening is a lack of small meals during the day is throwing your hormones out of balance. Too much insulin in your blood stream from constant bouts of low and then high blood sugar is causing your symptoms mentioned earlier. This process starts many Americans on the path to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure. Who would have though it was all causes when you skipped breakfast?

Most Americans from not poor diet choices, but poor diet habits are living everyday with their hormones out of balance. What I mean by poor diet habits instead of poor diet choices is that most people may think they eat too much fast food or not enough vegetables, though it is the simple act not eating small meals throughout the day that causes the hormonal imbalances.

Your endocrine system (hormones) and your nervous system control your body's rhythm which allows you to prevent disease and live healthy. Most pharmaceutical drugs mast the symptoms people feel like depression or fatigue though the only way to make a cure is to get your hormones back into balance from your diet.

The key understanding how your hormone insulin works and what you can to get in back into balance.

1. Insulin is the key hormone that controls how much fat you store.

2. High insulin levels triggers your brain to crave high sugar foods.

3. Insulin puts stress on the brain which leads to type 3 diabetes or Alzheimer's.

4. Your body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin and that process is the cause of over half the cases of high blood pressure.

5. Insulin enhances the chance of cancer cells forming.

6. High levels of insulin have been linked to depression, panic attacks, anxiety, ADHD, and insomnia.

7. Insulin makes your blood clot faster which increases risk of heart attacks and strokes.

8. Insulin can lead to lower testosterone which causes infertility, acne, hair loss for both men and women, and sexual performance issues.

Top 10 Tips to Re balance Your Insulin

1. Eat a higher amount of whole foods that have not been processed like fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, chicken, and eggs.

2. Remove trans fats from your diet. There is no health benefit to any trans fats in your diet.

3. Eat more organic foods which don't use pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones.

4. Avoid high sugar foods.

5. Eat breakfast. If you are not in the habit; start with something. Just drinking coffee doesn't count for eating breakfast.

6. Eat 5 small meals during the day or every 2-3 hours.

7. Don't eat a large meal than go to bed. This is also solved by eating 5 small meals as you loose the ability to overeat.

8. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Lack of sleep will limit the affects of any amount of health eating that you will do. You are not able to catch up on the weekends.

9. Get at least 3 bouts of exercise in during the week. Cardiovascular exercise has been shown to support stabilizing your blood sugar.

10. Ten a few minutes to relax every day. High stress releases cortisol into your blood stream which amplifies the effects of insulin.

When you embark on balancing your hormones remember it is a lifestyle not a 90 day plan. The goal is that every action you take is an action that you can add to your life that you can continue. Any solution that is short term typically only causes more problems or at least different problems.

LiveLeanToday offers great value on products like Zylene, Methyl 1-D, and more.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What are Healthy Bacteria Probiotics?

Probiotics have become increasingly popular especially as people are living longer and the stress that Americans put on their bodies. Probiotics are living healthy bacteria that are essential microorganisms found in your digestive system. Probiotics have been labeled "good bacteria" or "friendly bacteria" as not to confuse with most people's idea that all bacteria are harmful to your health. You many not know that probiotics are found in the food we eat.

There are many reasons why probiotics are paramount for healthy living. First, probiotics support the prevention of illness that attacks many American's immune systems. Second, probiotics restore the healthy bacteria (flora) back into your gut for optimal digestive functioning. Also, probiotics have bring the body back into balance from stress, poor diet choices, and physical activity.

Probiotics by definition are "live microorganisms, which, administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host." When looking at probiotics, it is important to understand that there are many different strains of probiotics needed for optimal health. Some of the top products on the market have over 16 active stains of different probiotics in their supplement formulations. Each strain plays an active role in your digestive and overall health.

Probiotics are not prebiotics which are non-digestible food substances that enhance the functioning of healthy microorganisms already found in your colon. Probiotics and prebiotics work together in your digestive system in a synergistic relationship.

One of the more common ways for people to get all the different strains of probiotics that they need is through high quality supplements. Probiotics can also be found in yogurt, certain milk products, miso, soy milk products, and tempeh. New, products have probiotics fortified during the preparation period when not found originally with the product.

Probiotics are made up of the good bacteria in your gut. Most probiotics come from two different groups of probiotics called Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. One of the most common probiotics is Lactobacillus acidophilus which is one of many different strains of probiotics. Some other probiotics like Saccharomyces boulardii are yeasts and not bacteria.

Stress, poor diet choices, physical activity, and the medications we take all reduce the number of healthy bacteria or probiotics in our digestive system. Your body is at risk for illness, digestive functioning issues, and reduced effectiveness of your immune system when probiotic levels are low in your gut. This is the main reason why probiotics have become popular in reason years, as almost all Americans found into at least one category for why probiotic levels can be low.

Sedona Labs is a manfuacturer of high quality probiotics like iFlora and iFlora for Women.

Causes and Risk Factors of Developing Joint Disorders

Joint disorders can occur because of a variety of different risk factors and causes. One of the most common joint disorders is temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ? TMJ disorders are a group of different problems that are related to the jaw bone and joint. There are a lot of people who develop TMJ disorders and problems because of the constant use of the muscles and joints in the TMJ area of the face.

Causes and risk factors that are common in developing joint disorders such as TMJ include constant and habitual teeth grinding. This can include the clenching of the teeth which wears down the cartilage of the TMJ . A lot of people do not even know that they do this, and often people do this in their sleep. People who may be suffering from joint disorders and primarily TMJ disorders often complain for pain and dysfunction in the muscles used in the TMJ. Dysfunction of these muscles can present itself as a limitation of the movement of the jaw that can range from minor range of motion issues to severe range of motion issues. In some of the milder cases of TMJ disorders, hearing clicking noises is one of the major symptoms.

Other causes and risk factors that can increase the chance of developing joint disorders include: Modification of the surfaces of the teeth through either neglect of dental practices or some kind of accidental use, Speech habits that are innate or learned and result in thrusting the jaw, Excessive use of gum chewing or nail biting, Excessive jaw movements that are associated with different kinds of exercise, Repetitive unconscious jaw movements that is associated with brushing, The size of different foods that are eaten.

There is no doubt that the TMJ area is one of the most heavily used joints in the body, and while there are a lot of other joint disorders like arthritis, TMJ continues to be one of the most known kinds of joint disorders. Arthritis is a very common joint disorder that causes people who suffer from it a lot of discomfort and pain. While the causes and risk factors that lead to different types of arthritis are not completely known, some people are more prone to develop it than others. Some people, who develop various forms of arthritis, do so as they get older from constant use and strain of the joints in parts of their bodies. Repetitive motions are a big trigger for joint disorders, and people who perform a repetitive motion which constantly strains one particular joint can develop joint disorders and arthritis.

Some people experience differing degrees of joint disorders and arthritis and some develop it earlier in life that others. There can be hereditary factors that can cause a person to be more prone to developing arthritis and joint disorders and some forms of arthritis are more prone to family traits than others. Often people who are athletes, or who put a lot of stress on their joints develop some level of a joint disorder or arthritis in their lives.

People who suffer from joint disorders like TMJ often are those who have excessive grinding of their teeth and who overuse the muscles and tendons surrounding the TMJ joints that lead to joint disorders. Joint disorders are often found in joints in the body that get the most use or that have the most stress on them. Knees, hips, wrists and fingers are among the most common joints to cause problems for people and are often the site of a repetitive action that has occurred for many years. People may start to experience slight symptoms of joint disorders early on in life, and they often assume it will simply go away, but then can later develop further problems.

Joint disorders tend to affect the elderly more often due to prolonged stress but people are able to experience joint disorders at any age, and those who constantly put a lot of strain on a particular area of the body are more prone to developing arthritis and other joint disorders later on in life. Testing is often done to diagnose joint disorders in people of all ages to determine what may have caused the joint disorders to develop. offers great value on ephedra diet pills, joint health, and more.

Monday, August 11, 2008

T-X ALRI Thyroid Activity Pill FAQ

T-X is a multi-structured thyroid analog product that provides superior thyroid function support.
T-X is a two-tiered approach to metabolic optimization. By utilizing both naturally-occurring thyroid analogs and by meticulously supporting endogenous thyroid function, T-X™streamlines the metabolic governor- the thyroid to help achieve the positive body composition changes that we all seek. T-X is the cutting edge supplement that you have been waiting for!

Q: What is T-X?

A: First, we at ALR Industries (Team ALR athletes) truly feel that this is one if not our best product! We like to say that T-X™ is “Our Little Fat Loss Secret.” Author L. Rea is the owner, chemist and mastermind behind this outstanding product. He knew that the key to achieving any true fat loss product is multi-faceted. T-X
is a unique and complex product that provides thyroid support, aids in fat loss and provides a boost to your metabolism while supporting lean muscle tissue.

Q: How does it work?

A: T-X is “a new class of fat loss.” T-X is best described as an anti-catabolic thyroidal lipolytic matrix. It appears complex for most to understand, but think of it this way… T-X helps the body use healthy protein better, while at the same time shifting gears forcing the body to use fat for energy while improving natural thyroid hormone levels & optimizing overall thyroid activity.

Q: Will T-X hurt my natural thyroid output or shut my thyroid down?

A: Recommended usage of T-X will not hinder one’s natural thyroid production. There are ingredients included for that very purpose to ensure that your natural thyroid activity is supported and not hindered in any way. Again, it is always wise to have cessation periods with any product and T-X is no exception.

Q: Should T-X only be used when dieting?

A: T-X can be used when you are dieting and also when you are not dieting. Optimal thyroid output has many other additional benefits including: increased protein synthesis/turnover, heightened receptor activity for anabolic hormones and stimulation of HPTA. T-X can lend itself very well to scenarios other than just fat loss, hence why many pro athletes use it. Think about it, if it is good for them- imagine what it can do for you!

Q: Is T-X safe for anyone who uses it?

A: T-X is safe for those who follow the suggested use. However, please check with your medical professional before using T-X in special cases or if you have a pre-existing medical condition and always follow our label warnings.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Health Benefits of Probiotics

Have you ever heard the word probiotics only to not know what it means? Probiotics have started to become exceptionally popular. The information in this article is designed to help you understand what probiotics are, why they are beneficial. Also, important is for who are probiotics good for.

Have you ever heard of good bacteria? In essence that is what probiotics are. Your digestive system has over 400 different active healthy bacteria. The most common of these good bacteria are acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum, which are the most abundant healthy bacteria for digestive health. You may find these two ingredients in the best probiotics. These good bacteria are needed to keep your digestive system in balance. Poor amounts of healthy bacteria or probiotics cause health problems like headaches and poor or painful digestion. For any person struggling with their digestion know how uncomfortable these issues are.

L acidophilus works by supporting the production of acidphilin, lactic acide, and hydrogen peroxide which combined challenge the harmful pathogens that cause major damage within your body. Removing harmful pathogens boots your immune system, supports proper digestion, prevents poor breath, fights tumor and cancer causing pathogens, and helps with the ability to digest dairy products.

The goal of all probiotics, including bifidus and acidophilus is to support your digestive system to function properly. When you digestive system starts to lose it health increasing these good bacteria is essential to getting your digestive health back.

Many people suffer from candida, a disturbing digestive problem. If so then probiotic supplements are essential for regaining your health. The best probiotics prevent the yeast from continuing to grow and increase the effectiveness of the immune system. One thing to keep in mind that antibiotics destroy probiotics in your digestive system. The problem with antibiotics is that they do get rid of harmful bacteria and can cause problems with the good bacteria as well. Proper good bacteria is so important as 70% of the power of your immune system resides in your digestive system.

You body is in constant struggle from outside pollutants. Toxins from the environment, food, and stress reek havoc on digestive health which makes taking a probiotic a part of any healthy daily routine.

Probiotics are now becoming a staple supplement just as a multivitamin. Just like a multivitamin delivers the vitamins and minerals your biological processes need on a daily basis, probiotics deliver the essential healthy bacteria that your gut needs on a daily basis. Taking a probiotic supplement is now becoming part of many people's daily routine.

Sedona Labs offers the highest quality probiotics like iFlora Nasal, iFlora Kids, and more.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Do You have Symptoms of Fatigue, Shortness of Breath, or a Rapid Heart Beat?

Let me know if this sounds like you? You experience frequent bouts of quick onset of sweating, a sudden rapid heart rate, or all of a sudden a shortness of breath. You may think that you are having a heart attack, though the real cause may be something you didn't expect.

If this sounds like you do you skip breakfast often? Thus once you skip breakfast your day goes by with off on bouts of fatigue and sluggishness that you fix with either trips to Starbucks or the vending machine. Quickly after eating the high sugar of gourmet coffees or snacks in vending machines you feel better though it doesn't last and a few hours later you are crashing again.

What is happening is a lack of small meals during the day is throwing your hormones out of balance. Too much insulin in your blood stream from constant bouts of low and then high blood sugar is causing your symptoms mentioned earlier. This process starts many Americans on the path to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure. Who would have though it was all causes when you skipped breakfast?

Most Americans from not poor diet choices, but poor diet habits are living everyday with their hormones out of balance. What I mean by poor diet habits instead of poor diet choices is that most people may think they eat too much fast food or not enough vegetables, though it is the simple act not eating small meals throughout the day that causes the hormonal imbalances.

Your endocrine system (hormones) and your nervous system control your body's rhythm which allows you to prevent disease and live healthy. Most pharmaceutical drugs mast the symptoms people feel like depression or fatigue though the only way to make a cure is to get your hormones back into balance from your diet.

The key understanding how your hormone insulin works and what you can to get in back into balance.

1. Insulin is the key hormone that controls how much fat you store.

2. High insulin levels triggers your brain to crave high sugar foods.

3. Insulin puts stress on the brain which leads to type 3 diabetes or Alzheimer's.

4. Your body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin and that process is the cause of over half the cases of high blood pressure.

5. Insulin enhances the chance of cancer cells forming.

6. High levels of insulin have been linked to depression, panic attacks, anxiety, ADHD, and insomnia.

7. Insulin makes your blood clot faster which increases risk of heart attacks and strokes.

8. Insulin can lead to lower testosterone which causes infertility, acne, hair loss for both men and women, and sexual performance issues.

Top 10 Tips to Re balance Your Insulin

1. Eat a higher amount of whole foods that have not been processed like fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, chicken, and eggs.

2. Remove trans fats from your diet. There is no health benefit to any trans fats in your diet.

3. Eat more organic foods which don't use pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones.

4. Avoid high sugar foods.

5. Eat breakfast. If you are not in the habit; start with something. Just drinking coffee doesn't count for eating breakfast.

6. Eat 5 small meals during the day or every 2-3 hours.

7. Don't eat a large meal than go to bed. This is also solved by eating 5 small meals as you loose the ability to overeat.

8. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Lack of sleep will limit the affects of any amount of health eating that you will do. You are not able to catch up on the weekends.

9. Get at least 3 bouts of exercise in during the week. Cardiovascular exercise has been shown to support stabilizing your blood sugar.

10. Ten a few minutes to relax every day. High stress releases cortisol into your blood stream which amplifies the effects of insulin.

When you embark on balancing your hormones remember it is a lifestyle not a 90 day plan. The goal is that every action you take is an action that you can add to your life that you can continue. Any solution that is short term typically only causes more problems or at least different problems.

LiveLeanToday offers great value on products like Zylene, Methyl 1-D, and more.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Why Core Fitness is Important

If you've listened to the buzz around the fitness world lately or perused the latest workout books, you've probably heard the experts referencing core fitness in some shape or form. Traditionally, strength training has been dominated by exercises focused on isolating the muscles of the arms and legs. In fact, if you look at many of the weight machines that have become popular in modern gyms, you'll notice that they require you to sit or recline while you use them.

While these machines will effectively help you build the muscles that they target, the problem is that, in real life, we don't use our muscles that way. We lift a box from the floor to a shelf, swing a golf club, push our children on the swing set, or climb a rock wall. In fact, the vast majority of the things we do require all of the muscles in our bodies to function together and be coordinated through our mid-sections, or our "core."

While those activities may make the use of core muscles seem very obvious, this area, made up of the muscles of our midsection, are actually responsible for quite a few of the more subtle functions as well, including posture, balance and stability.

A weakened core will often result in poor posture and stability, yet we don't necessarily feel the results of it in areas that show us a direct cause and effect correlation. For example, poor posture, due to a weakened core, might allow our hips to slip out of alignment resulting in knee pain. In fact, quite a few of the chronic muscle and joint pain issues that Americans are suffering with today stem from a weakened core.

It is no wonder, then, that exercise science has taken a dramatic shift in recent years to include the core in strength training regimes. Now, rather than using a machine to first exercise your legs and then your arms, trainers are suggesting that their clients use free weights or bands to combine exercises such as a squat to overhead press. By linking the two, people are forced to transition the exercise movement through their core, and the core muscles in turn help to maintain good posture throughout the exercise. The end result is that we are exercising in a fashion that mimics the movements that we use in everyday life, while creating better posture and increasing our stability and balance. offers great deals on SciFit products and legal ephedra diet pills.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Healthy Circle of Friends - Small Group Personal Training

Small-group training personal trainer sessions under five people may be just what you need to keep you motivated and moving towards your goals at the health club. Training with friends, families, or your significant other along with your "other significant other": your personal trainer puts you in a fun and comfortable atmosphere where you can train hard and cheer each other on even harder.

When beginning a fitness program, it is so important that you have the support of friends and family, not only so that they won't tempt you with indulgences or keep you from making your appointments at the gym, but so that they will encourage you to stick with your goals and pump you up when you are feeling sluggish. Well, why not bring this support system into the health club with you? After all, don't you think your loved ones need a little pumping up, too?

As a personal trainer myself, I have trained small groups, and I have seen the benefits first-hand. I had a group of five women""all great friends and a mother-daughter duo decide they wanted to train together with me. They had been training together for over a year, but weren't seeing the results they wanted. Following the first session, I could see what the first problem was: they came to the health club with good intentions to train, however ended up choosing to have social hour instead. Now, it wasn't like I didn't allow them to talk, laugh, joke, and have fun; I just kept them focused when they began discussing their weekend plans. After all, I believe a fit and healthy lifestyle should be enjoyable, and I believe you should have fun while you workout. Well, with my help and motivation, it didn't take long to see these women transform together!

Small-group training has other benefits as well. Not only does training with a group of friends allow you to motivate each other both in and out of the health club (how would you like to get a phone call from a fellow trainee just as you were slicing into that piece of chocolate cake, but it can be cost-effective, too. While a personal training session may range anywhere from $35 to $75, depending on where you live (sometimes even more), a group rate may only cost $25 a person. Now that is something to get pumped about! Most health clubs offer small-group training packages, but if yours doesn't you may want to ask if they can put one together for you.

Go ahead, call up a group of close friends today and rather than inviting them to happy hour, invite them to an hour of fitness, fun and slimming waistlines! You'll be hooked in no time.

Find personal trainer the fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Friday, June 27, 2008

How does fitness really help weight loss

We want you to think the next time you're tempted to diet your way out of so that unwanted weight gain, to stop and consider your fitness-based alternatives. One thing to always keep in mind as it relates to fitness and weight loss is that if you are unable to do it for life than it probably won't work. Here are the biggest reasons a comprehensive fitness approach is a more effective and sustainable weight-loss solution:

Fitness revs your cellular engines. Your cells' mitochondria are the calorie burning powerhouses in your body. Mitochondria need oxygen, so the more oxygen you consume per minute (VO2 max), the more efficient your cells become, and the more calories you burn.

Fitness balances your hormones. Over time, fit people experience positive hormonal changes that help keep them fit. Lower stress hormone (reduces inflammation), higher growth hormone (builds muscle) and lower insulin (controls cravings) are just a few of the hormonal benefits fitness brings.

Fitness grows on you. Unlike dieting, which few people can tolerate for long, fitness quickly becomes a way of life. The more fit you become, the more you're inclined to move. So for most fit people, seeking daily activity becomes an almost instinctive habit.

Fitness gives you a metabolic advantage. Fit people have more lean muscle mass and a higher metabolism, which helps them weather setbacks such as holiday binges that can pack on excess pounds.

Fitness is fun. People often overlook the emotional and spiritual benefits of exercise. A fitness lifestyle involves regularly participating in activities for the sheer enjoyment of them. It's more fun, it relieves stress, and it's easier to sustain.

One aspect of fitness that is often overlooked is that when you are working out you are not indulging in an activity that adds to you gaining weight. As you look at your day, there are countless activities that are not supporting your weight loss goals. Every time you workout even for 15 minutes it is 15 minutes that you are building a habit that promotes the results your want and takes you away from activities like eating while watching television that does noting to promote healthy living.

It is this last point that we strive day in and day out to pound home, that it is getting to the point that fitness for its own enjoyment is what we are after. One a person likes to work out because they like it, they will exercise forever. offers high quality nutritional products like iFlora and Zylene.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


The Science Behind the Product

Most people associate probiotics with digestive health. However, a 2003 clinical study in Switzerland showed that probiotics taken orally support a healthy immune response in the nasal mucus. The authors concluded, “…the ingestion of probiotics may enhance the immune barrier of the upper respiratory tract and therefore constitute a clinically preventive therapy.”
Gluck U, Gebbers JO. Ingested probiotics reduce nasal colonization with pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and B-hemolytic streptococci). Am J Clin Nutr. 2003;77:517-30.

Cottonwood, Arizona—Sedona Labs, located in northern Arizona, has been the leader in multi-strain probiotic formulas for over 20 years. The company announces the launch of its new multi-probiotic formula created for seasonal sinus support, iFlora™ Nasal Health. The patent-pending formula contains four probiotic strains. The formula is based on a Swiss clinical study showing that specific oral probiotics can support sinus and nasal health.

The product also contains N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), a natural amino acid antioxidant that helps break up stagnant mucus (mucolytic), which helps support nasal and upper respiratory health.

“We are thrilled with customer response to this product,” says Tracy King, president of Sedona Labs. “As soon as we released it, we started getting amazing testimonials about
how it helped people’s sinuses. There appear to be a lot of people looking to support sinus health naturally.”

The company recommends that people take iFlora™ Nasal Health as a daily probiotic. The probiotics in iFlora™ Nasal Health work through the immune system to maintain sinus and nasal health.

The company notes that many people don’t realize that things they do every day can kill off their natural flora. Healthy flora keeps their immune system working at peak efficiency. The real news about this product is that taking specific probiotics that reach your gut can affect the immune cells in your nose! It’s called the distal site immune response.

Antibiotics, chlorinated tap water, birth control pills, antacids, stress, and sugary foods and drinks may deplete the natural flora colonies that exist in the gut and in the mucus lining of the nasal cavity. Supplementing those colonies helps support a strong immune system that is able to prevent unwanted invaders.

Sedona Labs probiotic products
iFlora™ Multi-Probiotic Formula, a 16-strain formula that has been the company’s leading product for over 20 years
• iFlora™ Probiotics for Women with specific strains for women’s health
iFlora™ Probiotics for Kids with the strains most common in children
ZymaFlora™ Acid Balance Formula that contains digestive enzymes, gas-free fiber, and probiotics

Other Sedona Labs iFlora™ probiotic products can be purchased in health food stores or at the Sedona Labs website

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It’s a Resolution to Anti-aging

Five, four, three, two, one. Happy New Year! Whether you were dancing in the streets at midnight or sleeping beneath the sheets long before the ball dropped, the world rang in 2007, which means you will celebrate another birthday before 2008's big bash. However, while "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" countdown and the counting of candles on your birthday cake may be unavoidable year after year, the way you age is certainly in your control.

Aging gracefully and comfortably (without the aches and pains of arthritis and osteoporosis) can be as simple as choosing the right foods in your diet, as well as exercising regularly. Because even more than preventing wrinkles, anti-aging also means preventing memory loss, heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. For this reason, the anti-aging diet is receiving much attention and can certainly complement your everyday life.

The anti-aging diet is a combination of both nutrition and lifestyle factors. Not only is it important to pile your plate with healthy choices from the food pyramid, it is doubly important to keep your body fine-tuned by exercising, avoiding UV light and cigarettes, and even doing crossword puzzles. Yes, researchers have proven that mental activity forms a strong connection between your brain cells and the way your transmit thoughts, so as you age, you are less likely to develop Alzheimer's. Even more, according to the American Dietetic Association, not only can mental activity reverse damage to your cells, but also with adequate amounts of vegetables and fruits, including blueberries and spinach, age-related losses in motor function and cognition can be reduced.

If you want to see your age grow to high numbers, then you need to make sure the scale shows you the lower ones. From weight training to cardio to yoga, a fusion of activity will keep you feeling young at heart and looking ageless in your jeans. Weight training will help you build muscle, maintain strong bone density, and burn fat. That's right. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. And while pumping weights will keep your muscles strong, cardio will help keep your heart pumping while yoga will keep your body stress-free.

Stress is one of many free radicals, which can cause damage to healthy cells, leading to internal aging as well as visible signs of external aging. Now, just as science has proven how dangerous free radicals are for our cells, antioxidants have proven to defend our cells by fighting against oxidation. Therefore, on the nutrition side of things, choosing antioxidant-rich foods, such as berries, may be one tasty way to living a longer, healthier life. According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, cranberries, blackberries and blueberries rank highest in antioxidant levels. In addition to berries, other anti-aging foods include garlic, fish, whole grains, cruciferous vegetables, nuts, soy, water and red wine.

Don't let time pass you by. To stay looking and feeling younger than ever, make sure to exercise regularly, challenge your mind, avoid harmful UV light, and enjoy a low-calorie diet full of anti-aging foods. Start today and by 2008, you'll be ringing in the New Year without having aged a day. Eat your heart out Dick Clark! is a leader in effective nutritional solutions for weight loss, bodybuilding, sports performance, and health.

Reduce Pain & Tension Active Calf Stretch

Friday, June 13, 2008

Indoor Rock Climbing for Fitness: It's Not Extreme Anymore

Once an activity labeled as an "extreme sport", rock climbing has in the last few years become a very popular workout activity as the use of indoor climbing walls in fitness facilities, community centers and health clubs has increased and made the sport much more user friendly. Not only can it be fun and exciting, rock climbing is one of the most effective strength training workouts a person can ever have, providing fitness and strength benefits that are difficult to match with any other single activity. If you want to work out every muscle in your body in the shortest amount of time possible and get quick results in strength, body shape, toning and muscular endurance, there is no better thing to do. It burns a tremendous amount of calories as well, assisting with weight or fat loss. And did I mention that it is fun? Participants sometimes have such a blast that they even forget to feel tired! Around twenty years ago, the very first climbing gyms started appearing around the United States. One of the first was The Vertical Club in Seattle, Washington, and that is where I first took a lesson and learned to climb. My experience walking in there in 1993 was TOTALLY different than a new climber would have walking into the average climbing facility now. Back then, climbing gyms were primarily the domain of serious rock climbers who needed a way to stay in shape during the bad weather months or in between trips to outdoor climbing locations. Climbing as a general fitness activity hadn't arrived yet.

When I entered the facility that day, I was first greeted by a man on crutches who told me he had just broken his ankle in an outdoor climbing fall. He seemed pretty intense. There were several men climbing near the front without shirts on, their bodies seemingly made of nothing but muscle and sinew. One of them was attempting a climbing move just a few feet off the ground right in front of his buddies, who stood no more than arms reach from him, shouting him encouragement and prepared to break his fall if he came off the wall. He was exerting himself fully while trying the move, and I was struck by his effort, while all he had to do was literally put his foot down and he would have been standing directly on the ground.

I felt somewhat intimidated by the atmosphere. The place was definitely filled with people who climbed seriously, and at that time I was definitely someone who did not. I was glad I was there to take an actual lesson because I would have absolutely no idea how to start for myself. My teacher was the owner of the club, and he was very friendly and helpful. It was almost like having my own personal trainer. By the end of the 2 hour lesson I knew my way around the gym and the equipment and knew how to belay another climber and tie myself into the rope for safety. And I had climbed from the bottom of the walls to the top several times successfully. I was officially a climber, albeit a very enthusiastic beginner.

In the present day, a first trip to a climbing facility for a beginner will be a completely different experience. There are many more climbing gyms around, and like I mentioned above, many fitness centers and health clubs have climbing walls now. These climbing gyms and fitness center walls are used much more now by the average fitness enthusiast who is looking for a fun way to workout or have some recreation, and beginner classes abound. The look and feel of the facilities is usually very family friendly. Birthday parties and social events for kids, corporate outing and team building for adults as well as family recreation outings make up a huge percentage of the business for climbing walls nowadays. A first time visitor will be greeted by an enthusiastic staff wearing matching t-shirts and typically watch a safety video that gives an overview of the procedures of the facility. Then in a small group or individually, they are led out to attempt a few climbs before they are cleared to use the place on their own. The extensive orientation I received at The Vertical Club is mostly a thing of the past. The equipment and safety set up is much easier for the average person to learn, which gets them climbing and having fun sooner. This has greatly increased the number of people who participate in climbing and has led to the serious climbers that I saw on my first trip to The Vertical Club frequently being the minority in the gym at any given time.

Getting your exercise while climbing indoors usually involves you making your way from the floor toward the ceiling of the facility using plastic holds for your hands and feet that have the same look and feel as real rock. These are attached to a wall that is textured to resemble a real cliff face. As you make your way to the top, a cable attached to an automatic belay device or a rope attached to your partner and tied to your safety harness that you wear keeps you safe from a fall. Most indoor facilities have walls for roped climbing that go up to about 30 feet in height, though some in the United States go from 60 to 90 feet. Most facilities also have a version of climbing called bouldering where the climber is not roped but never climbs more than 10-15 feet off the ground, protecting against a fall with large gymnastics pads moved around on the floor underneath. Snug fitting climbing shoes with specially made rubber soles are worn for incredible grip against the footholds.

Indoor rock climbing requires exactly the same fitness and muscle strength and enduranace demands as doing it outdoors. And the benefits are awesome! Unlike traditional weight training which involves lifting weight in a controlled movement in a gym or home setting, rock climbing is "strength training with a twist": you as the climber are now the weight going up or down and rather than an arbitrary number of repetitions to be performed to complete a set, the goal of climbing is to get to the top of the wall. It doesn't matter how it is accomplished, either. Climbing doesn't have to look pretty to be effective. The result is a change of focus away from the effort of repetitions to the effort of working toward the immediately achievable goal of reaching the top. This can result in a very empowering feeling of accomplishment for the climber, because each trip up the wall holds a challenge that can be overcome and a goal that is achieved. This is what has been known to be addicting and can lead you to want to do more. And when you want to do more, you will keep doing it. And that is the biggest secret for long term success in fitness: keep doing it! It is amazing what consistency can accomplish.

Find personal trainer the fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.

Food and Diet for More Energy

Do you find that you get fatigued during the afternoon? There are better choices than reaching for that candy bar, soda, or the latest energy drink. Food and diet is essential to giving your body more energy during the day. With making some easy diet choices you can have more energy and feel alive during those once sluggish hours.

The fatigue and lack of energy you feel is associated with how you fuel your metabolism. Another way of looking at it is the food you eat or not eat is causing you have low energy and want to take a nap at work. If you are having any lack of energy throughout the day, now is a great time to start making better dietary choices.

The common diet programs that create this lack of energy are low calorie diets or eating 3 meals a day or less. Also, if your diet habits consist of fast food, candy, or soft drinks then your body is simply not getting the energy it needs and how it wants it was balanced energy levels. Another aspect that affects your energy with poor food choices is a lack of essential vitamins, minerals, complex carbs, and amino acids. All of these are building blocks for proper metabolism functioning.

The major issue with the ineffective diet programs of Americans is bad habits actually create more bad habits. Many people think that if they just had will power they won't succumb to food cravings that crush their diets. The reality is that poor choices create times when your body is in low blood sugar and that period is what causes your cravings. It is physiology that causes them not a lack of mental strength. Did you know that once you start eating 5 small meals during the day your cravings for sugar go away? Follow me on this person's day. We are starting with breakfast though they don't eat breakfast because they have noticed that if they skip breakfast they don't feel hungry till lunch. So at lunch they go out to dinner with their coworkers. Now, from a lack of energy they over eat more food than they should at any one meal. The problem is this doesn't feel or looks like too much food because this is what they are used to. How do I know this is too much food because at around 2 or 3 pm they are crashing. Their energy is low and they have become exceptionally irritable. Does this sound familiar?

So what are we supposed to eat? The goal is to eat 5 small meals throughout the day. For the average American this is cutting their normal meal in half and eating the other half as a snack. Breakfast starts the day either burning fat or storing fat. You know you had a proper breakfast because you are hungry 2-3 hours later, and it is time for another snack. You want to keep having small meals every two to three hours throughout the day. The reason this is good is because your body is burning calories and wants more fuel to keep burning. I know it seems logical if you don't eat you will lose weight. The problem is when you don't eat your body stores the food you eat as fat. When you fuel your body every 2-3 hours your body starts to burn more energy and will stop storing energy. This is the key to healthy losing weight.

Another key aspect to controlling your energy levels is the use of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that supports your body to release adrenaline into your system. Caffeine in moderation, as in one cup of coffee doesn't throw your body out of balance. Having a multiple cups or some of the energy drinks and your body is running on artificial energy and then you crash. Once you crash you want that good feeling again, and so you are off on another Starbucks run. I know people who go to Starbucks every 2-3 hours or after each time their body crashes. One thing on energy drinks, Red Bull has less caffeine than a cup of coffee though I can't guarantee what is in the rest of the energy drinks.

Do you need more protein or more carbs in your meals? If you find that your meals are made of mostly carbs or simple sugars than eating protein with your meals with balance you out. Most Americans are over eating protein. If you are not getting a small amount of complex carbs in each meal, this is another reason why you are low on energy. Carbs are you body's fuel. Protein is designed to rebuild your muscle tissue and your body doesn't want to use it as energy.

Adding proper supplementation can make easy healthy and throughout the day easier. For most people getting that mid morning or mid afternoon snack can be a challenge. Having a meal replacement bar or shake can give you the healthy fuel you need. Also, most meal replacement supplements are fortified with vitamins and minerals which is a far cry from the candy bar. Supplements allow you to get exactly the right amount of calories in your meal as well. Especially, if you are going after a weight loss goal you don't need to eat any extra calories. What should I eat for my 5 small meals? The first answer is the same things you are eating now only cut them in half. You will find that the sugar cravings go away so we automatically start eating less sugar. The goal is to go to the super market thinking about what you want to eat for your meals. If you buy it at the grocery store than you will have it ready when it is time to eat?'s diet program creates weekly menus that print out grocery lists to make this process easy. Start eating every 2-3 hours and turn your metabolism into a fat burning machine. I know you might be laughing, not your metabolism. Today if you start eating 5 small meals your body will start to turn over. You will know this is working because you will have more energy than you have ever had before.

Find personal trainer the fitness and nutrition information you are seaching for at has a full library of diet, exercise, and supplement information.